Have a look at the advert below for the Apple Watch. How is technology represented in this media product? consider the impact of mise-en-scene [media forms] on the way that audiences are positioned to read the advert.
photo design poetry
The idea of the media promotion of sport has undergone some very major innovations over the past twenty years - the impact of Sky billions on premier league TV has been crucial in this as has the influx of huge amounts of money to the Olympic movement and the World Cup from media organisations and global sponsors such as Coca-Cola and Nike. Sport has become big [global] business and is more than ever also seen as part of the constructing of national identities. The trailer for the Paralympics was but one recent example of how media products are changing the way we 'see' sport, shaping our audience understanding of the issues involved and the representation of the sport.
Below are two products that take this idea to an interesting level: the BBC trail for coverage of the Women's World Cup and the Fox TV for American coverage. Both products are initially functional - they seek to promote to audiences that the events is happening and that their organisation has rights to the coverage. Of course, they both do so by loading the product with ideas as to the importance of the event and the connection to the respective audiences national identity as much as our potential interest in the sport itself or for itself.
First up - the BBC: Consider how the trail attempts to gain our attention and then to exploit that. Begin with a miss-en-scene analysis of media forms - camera; edit; sound; content; graphics; voice over; logo
Next we look at the Fox coverage trailer. What differences / similarities do we find?
[1] how do the two products attempt to catch and hold the attention of their intended audiences?
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