This is where we will be publishing details of the coursework remit and some guides to support you with its construction. You need to consult this for your research and as part of your preparation for Section A wider contexts and media debates
September 29th
Today we explored some ideas linked into the media guardian story that focused on the introduction of advertising to the Instagram platform. We considered what this might mean for [a] the user experience and [2] for the institutions seeking to use this medium. We looked at the article on this link:sep/23 instagram-ads-waitrose-rimmel-facebook
We then expanded our ideas as to the futuire impact of such advertising by looking at an article regarding the decision by Twitter to expand its direct advertising by using consumers film tweets to target adverts at them and their contacts:
We looked at how this might be used to develop ideas for a case-study on film marketing. We considered the applicable media theories of Blumler and Katz [Social identity] ; Hall [Reception theory] and Lazarsfeld [Two Step Flow]
This lesson is all about the power of TV advertising - how we use it, how it uses us and how it is constantly evolving ideas to ensure that we keep watching. A key issue is that the process is all about situated media - the way that the media [and in the case of TV adverts the products in them] creates a sense of verisimilitude, an acceptance of the naturalness of their presence in our TV consumption.
We begin with a look at THINKBOX and its usefulness as a resource.
We looked at issues around the importance of TV ratings to our media consumption - how our viewing choices have consequences for the licence fee and for the quality of TV scheduling on commercial stations.
We visited the Thinkbox site and looked at data such as how many ads a day we watch as individuals [47] and a nation [2.8 billion a day] and what this might yield as an area of study on media saturation and impact.
We finished by looking at Event Advertising - the innovations advertisers have used to evolve the 30 second TV spot into attracting audiences to watch adverts and to respond to them.
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